Friday, December 19, 2008

Giving back!

In addition to the adopt-a-classroom program, CFA partnered with Hearts to Hands and Every Kid Counts in a toy giveaway.

Our students were encouraged to select a gift that they might give to a sibling or a family member. Family games, art sets and other fun gifts were made available.

Corona del Sol High School Future Teachers of America brought us a check for $2000!

OfficeMax surprised us with a check for $1000!

Hearts to Hands provided healthy goody bags of fruit.

Jamy and her family gave a book to every student on campus.

Every Kid Counts provided many of our gifts, including batteries for the games and toys.

Our CFA family continues to grow and we appreciate the efforts of our family members.

Behind the scenes are our bus drivers who shuttle our kids home every day, rain or shine, and help them arrive safely. Mr. Felix who arrives so early in the morning and works to keep our school beautiful.

Thank you
to Ms. Ryan, Ms. Christine, Mr. Frank, Ms. Gerdon, Ms. Maria, Ms. Natasha for the late nights, early mornings, extra duties and many hats you all wear.

To our teachers, who've worked so hard this year. You've accomplished so much!

Merry Christmas! We love you all.


This week private charities and local corporations from the CFA-Phoenix family of donors adopted an entire classroom and provided the children with a customized Christmas party.

Each of our children were given blankets, coats, food and gifts.

Thank you to our partners!

Great pipes!

What you see here is a concert given by our sister school, Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics. They favored us with a host of holiday classics and a few new numbers as well.

What a talented group of students! Our campus was very peaceful during your visit - many teachers and volunteers stopped in the halls just to listen to your voices.

We are better for your presence.

CFA Vocals and Saxaphone Accompaniment

Karen, your son is amazing! You quietly come two days a week and work diligently in our special education program. You've never asked for acknowledgment. You are an example of service and leadership. Then you bring us your son, who plays for us and impromptu accompanies our CFA Vocal SLC!

Thank you so much! We love Karen!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vocal stylings of our SLC Choir

Today's Lunch Box Cafe entertainment featured our Vocal Small Learning Community, who on their own, arranged and practiced the songs. They selected their performances, dates, and audiences. They've yet to get a record contract - but then again, who knows?

They do this while maintaining superior academic performance, wonderful behavior and perfect attendance. Some voluntarily attend our after school tutoring program - run voluntarily by Mrs. Felix (thank you!).

Well done.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Stopping by Fry's Grocery to grab a tub of sour cream and noticing a Reading Tree donation bin is one thing. Its quite another to call them about their program and have Tyler show up the very next day.

Still another is to have them donate over 1,500 books to Children First Academy in one month.

But wait...there's more!

Then the folks from Fry's show up with more books, Sequoia Secondary entertains us with their glorious vocals, and the students all take home a book for themselves!

Classroom libraries, school library, personal libraries. Family literacy project in full effect!

Fry's, we really do love you! Reading Tree - you touch the future!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Kids Sake

Here about three months ago, I got a call from Jennifer Boden, Executive Director of Our Kids Sake, an international non-profit organization focused on ending homelessness. They do this primarily through nutritional programs - and Jennifer called us reminiscing over her days at ASU!

Long story see the results above. And Jennifer...thanks. We love you.

Life is Brilliant!

We Love You Mrs. Green

You may remember the Boys to Men song, It's So Hard To Say Goodbye, circa 1991? It is apropos in this particular situation. In light of saying goodbye, CFA has issued an edict, forbidding goodbyes of any kind, and instead we offer Adieu...until we meet again.

Hat tip to Mrs. Green.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Clowning Around...

The Shriner's, the largest charitable organization in the world, graced our campus with their presents...oops...presence this week! Delivering over $1000 worth of food, clothing and gift items for this holiday season.

All balloon animals aside, these gentlemen know how to throw a rewarding and meaningful party. Thank you for thinking of our children. Thank you for the shoes, underwear, sweatshirts and socks.

You've warmed our hearts and our children!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The tooth fairies are real...

...and all of them work right here 2-3 days a week!

For the month of Nov, Community Dental was able to see 36 children. The important thing to note is not the # of children seen, but the amount of cavities they took care of. They spent a long time on many children who had anywhere from 8-13 cavites!, as young as 5 years old.

We were able to combat 206 cavities!!!
170 were fillings
31 were extractions
5 were crowns + baby root canals

On the preventive side, we were able to seal 67 healthy molars - to help prevent cavities!

For dental history, 20 of the children did not have any dental history

8 children went to a dentist greater then a year ago (some going back four years ago).

8 who saw a dentist less then one year ago...but many were not taken back to finish dental treatment because there were still cavities left untreated.

As we consider nutrition and wellness as a function of educating the whole child - it is important to note what an integral role literacy, small learning communities, personal health and partnerships play in establishing life long practices that will change their lives forever!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Cue music.

And now, pulling straight A's with 100% attendance and absolutely the very highest quality of student behavior - CFA HillToppers!

11 of the best and brightest pulled an all-nighter with backbone staff members and attended a Phoenix Suns game last night. Many thanks to Grant Hill. We appreciate Chris Mallory, Community Relations for the Phoenix Suns.

As you can tell by the expression on the faces of the couple sitting in front of us, we had a BLAST!

Thank You Sams Club

So this really cool lady named Lisa stops by with a passle of her best compadres. They greet our CFA Student Council in the lobby and roll out a check for $4000!

Can you hear Harey Carey saying "Holy Cow!"? We can, loud and clear.

Hat tip to the WONDERFUL folks at Sams Club - we love you! Look for updates on our technology roll-out program and how we squeeze every single penny into advancing our students' education.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Riders on the Storm...


To Barry and all the riders in the Valley of the Sun!